🔗 團隊 Link:https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/2023ironman/signup/team/271

團隊名稱 Team Name:dbt 和 dbt 以外有趣的事

Summary in English

The team "dbt and Beyond: Interesting Affairs" consists of members who met through the Taipei dbt Meetup. Our focus for the 2023 iThome Ironman Competition, starting on 2023.09.16, is to explore dbt, its integration with other data tools, and our individual experiences and journeys in the realm of data. Here's a brief overview:


  1. Stacy Lo

    Topic (English): "dbt: Bidding Farewell to Outdated SQL Development Processes"

    Description: Stacy reflects on her years working with SQL and her discovery of dbt as a ray of hope to enhance her data workflow. She hopes her series can aid those feeling lost in the world of data.

  2. Karen Hsieh

    Topic (English): "30 Thoughts on Data Work Experience Introduced by dbt"

    Description: Beginning her data journey in 2019 as a Product Manager, Karen delves into her experiences with data. She will share 30 insights from three perspectives: individual, team & company, and community.

  3. replware

    Topic (English): "Contemporary Data Engineering and Analysis"

    Description: Replware discusses modern data engineering and analytics tools, drawing parallels between flexible tools like the Linux Shell and its many commands that can be combined and automated for powerful results.

  4. huggybear

    Topic (English): "Practical Modern Data Stack: Case Studies and Sharing on Data Architecture"

    Description: Huggybear discusses the practical design and application of the Modern Data Stack. He also shares personal and company case studies related to implementing MDS and cloud transformation.

  5. Papii

    Topic (English): "Learning and Growth in Data Analysis: Hardware and Software Perspectives"

    Description: Papii, who transitioned to big data from finance and reporting, wants to share learning and growth experiences of someone who followed a traditional route into IT.

  6. chorsengs

    Topic (English): "30 Days from Airflow to dbt"

    Description: Highlighting Apache Airflow as a prevalent orchestration tool in Taiwan, Chorsengs shares their company's journey transitioning to dbt for managing their data warehouse & data mart.