2024 鐵人賽
🔗 團隊 Link:https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/2023ironman/signup/team/271
The team "dbt and Beyond: Interesting Affairs" consists of members who met through the Taipei dbt Meetup. Our focus for the 2023 iThome Ironman Competition, starting on 2023.09.16, is to explore dbt, its integration with other data tools, and our individual experiences and journeys in the realm of data. Here's a brief overview:
Stacy Lo
Topic (English): "dbt: Bidding Farewell to Outdated SQL Development Processes"
Description: Stacy reflects on her years working with SQL and her discovery of dbt as a ray of hope to enhance her data workflow. She hopes her series can aid those feeling lost in the world of data.